App | Exclusions for Category Match algorithm

The Category Match search algorithm is real powerful algorithm that checks whether your entire search query exactly matches the name of a single category. If so, your query will only search through categories and products that are within or directly underneath the current category.

We have now implemented the possibility to exclude categories from the Category Match algorithm's behavior. That is, if there is a match during the category search and the found category is in the exclusion list, then the matching result will be ignored and the search algorithm will continue with the next step.

Example: In case you sell LEGO-products and there is a found Category Match on the category Junior > Cars (based on search term 'cars'). It will then only show products from that specific category, although there might be other cars available in the rest of the assortment as well. These products will not be shown, unless you configure the category Junior> Cars to be excluded from the Category Match algorithm.

Read this support article for a complete understanding of the Category Match algorithm.

Other improvements

  • Tweakwise App | In Search algorithms we fixed the behavior of 'Use Merchandising Template of the matching category' option. If the checkbox is enabled, then the filter template, merchandising rule and merchandising builder configured for this category will be applied to the found category.
  • Tweakwise App | In Catalog > Properties (of any kind) there is now a possibility to download an export of all values available for that specific property. It is available under the 'Download' button at the bottom of the detail screen.
  • Tweakwise App | Pagination is added to the detail pages of Derived attributes of the type 'replace' as we did experience some performance issues on the override page of a derived attribute if the attribute contains too many overrides. Now opening the page and saving changes is much faster, as is the the transition between pages.
  • Tweakwise App | We have introduced a new feature that allows users to download the full error message of a failed job, which can be helpful when dealing with feeds containing many incorrectly configured products and/or categories. The full error message can be downloaded by clicking on the link provided below the truncated error message. Good to note that the same file is re-used on every new run of the same job.
  • Frontend API | An optimization for searching with strange words was done under the hood. We encountered some issues with requests timing out because the search query became too complex. Meaning a search term with mix of a lot of normal words consisting of only alphanumeric characters and so called strange words consisting of special characters and/or numeric characters. Execution times were unpredictable and could differ per server. Now searches with a lot of strange words are more predictable and stable in terms of execution time.