Feature | Auto generated synonyms for no results phrases

The first thing we tell customers in case of non-matching results based on a search term(s), is to create synonyms for it. As this is a manual and time-consuming process and not so easy to do, a little help of AI is very welcome. With this feature we introduce the possibility of automatic synonyms generation, based on search terms that do not hit products yet. By comparing the auto generated synonyms with your product assortment, we ensure you to get relevant keywords added to your synonyms, resulting in more relevance and a higher conversion in the end.

As auto synonyms generation is part of Tweakwise Copilot, it is available for free to all customers, although the feature itself might first be enabled. Once available, in Tweakwise App > Search > Synonyms there is a big purple banner where you can start using the feature yourself by toggling it on. In the background, we will create a new task in Tweakwise App > Connectivity > Tasks, which can by then triggered manually.

The task itself is as easy as functional

  1. Check in the logs if there are search terms available without any results
  2. If so, fetch new synonyms via AI
  3. Compare synonyms with data in your product assortment
  4. In case of a match, add a synonym for your search term which previously yielded no results

Synonyms which are added to your list of synonyms via this approach, will be indicated with a Tweakwise Copilot icon so it is easy to find them back (and maybe remove them). As AI has still unpredictable behavior, we suggest to double check all of the created synonyms by hand, making sure that found terms makes sense for your shop and branche.



A first period of pilot-testing found out that the generation of synonyms served by AI, only works smoothly for instances running a Dutch assortment. We'll fix this behavior as soon as possible so all of our languages will be covered.

Other improvements

  • Tweakwise App | Tweakwise App has been translated and is available in French and Spanish too.
  • Tweakwise App | We renamed and repositioned some menu-items in the main navigation bar.
  • Tweakwise App | At Tweakwise App > Catalog > Categories some links/buttons were added to quickly refer you to selected templates, for both filtering, merchandising as builder. An edit button pops up next to the selectboxes in case of a configured templated.
  • Tweakwise Demoshop | In case you make use of our new experimental Weighted Sorting in your search funnel, we have added extra debug data in the Demoshop too. Next to your sorting dropdown, there will be an extra toggle which will change product tiles into 'score cards'. You will now see the calculated weighted score that each algorithm returns for the item. The item with the highest score will end up on top.