Improved SEO for JS implementations

We've pushed a SEO improvement we tested thoroughly over the past couple of months. In our JS implementations, previously only the filter options that were shown on screen were also present in the HTML. This meant that all filter options hidden behind the 'Show more' button were not visible by for example Google when indexing the page. We changed this so that all filter options now are present in the HTML regardless of whether the 'Show more' button is activated. Recent results found out that this update could result a major impact on your SEO rankings.

This also counts for when you 'collapse' a filter. Before, when a filter was collapsed, none of the filter options were there in the HTML. Now, even if a filter is collapsed, all filter options are there in the HTML.

Other improvements

  • Suggestions JS | We've fixed a bug where the prices of product suggestions would not update after changing your search term.