Magento | Overall bugfixes and minor improvements
about 1 year ago
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Resolved an issue where the incorrect parent category was utilized while navigating a category tree that is three levels deep.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Resolved an issue where the filter parameter remained in the URL after deactivating the filter.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Resolved an issue where in case of the URL pathslug strategy enabled, selecting a filter on a category page would lead to an incorrect URL upon refreshing the page and selecting another filter.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Bugfix implemented to address the duplication of category names in the default Magento renderer.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Implemented query length limitation for search to prevent a 500 error. We also have implemented measures to prevent 500 errors in the search when Tweakwise is inaccessible or down.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Implemented a preventive measure to avoid errors when no attribute values are present for ALP facet requests.
- MagentoTweakwise 5.8.2 | Resolved the issue with Merchandising Builder and pagination not functioning correctly when utilizing the filter form.
- MagentoTweakwiseExport 6.0.1 | Resolved an issue where not all stores were exported when no feed was available and needed to be generated.
- MagentoTweakwiseExport 6.0.1 | Resolved an issue where in case of the URL pathslug strategy enabled, selecting a filter on a category page would lead to an incorrect URL upon refreshing the page and selecting another filter.
- MagentoTweakwiseHyva 2.3.8 | In Hyva themes, featured products where not working on the category page as the products shown were not fetched from Tweakwise. The product slider didn't have code to show featured or new products at all.
- MagentoAttributeLanding 4.1.3 | Updated code comments to prevent an error in the Magento Swagger API.
- MagentoAttributeLanding 4.1.3 | Resolved an issue with ALP URL when utilizing the store code in the URL and having 'allow link in facet search' enabled on an ALP.
- MagentoAttributeLanding 4.1.3 | Resolved an issue with missing ALP resources in the ACL.