JS | Show group of products as single product tile

There are reasons you want to display a collection of separated, configurable products in your shop as one product, so it only pops up once on your listing pages. At Tweakwise this is named 'Grouped Products' and it finally is supported in our JavaScript implementation. Whether it is desirable to show a group of products 'as one' or show all items as individuals is totally up to you, but it will allow you for example to have the product image change according to filter actions (will be implemented later) or show tiny thumbnails as available alternatives underneath.

Grouped Products

Single Products

As the option to show products as a group on your product listing page soon will be made configurable in Tweakwise App > Plugin Studio, at the moment you can achieve this behavior via local configuration. With this option set to true a different endpoint will be used for search and navigation returning products grouped by a common group key.