Magento | Native support for Search in filters feature

We finally added support for our Search in filters feature, which can be easily setup in Tweakwise App > Filtertemplates and now works out of the box in both Magento2Tweakwise plugin as Magento2TweakwiseHyva. This does mean that we offer native support for both Luma as Hyva themes, but in case of a custom theme the frontend implementation has to be implemented by yourself.

Click here to read our initial release note on this Search in filters feature.

Other improvements

  • Magento2Tweakwise 6.0.0 | Fixed an bug with wrong filterurls when Ajax was disabled. This bug prevented from two filters to be selected at the same time.
  • Magento2Tweakwise 6.0.0 | Refactored code. Breaking (see below).
  • Magento2TweakwiseExport 7.0.0 | Fixed a bug where SKUs were used instead of IDs, which slowed down the export if you used characters as SKUs. This resulted in an 84% increase in export speed for affected customers. Results may vary depending on the customer.
  • Magento2TweakwiseExport 7.0.0 | Refactored code. Breaking (see below).
  • Magento2AttributeLandingTweakwise 4.3.2 | Bug fix for incorrect URLs as filter links, pointing to Attribute Landing Pages (ALPs). Due to a bug, the domain name was included twice in the URL when linking to an ALP page. This release fixes that. Furthermore, code is refactored to follow coding standards. This module has no breaking changes.
  • Magento2AttributeLanding 5.0.0 | Refactored code. Breaking (see below).
  • Magento2TweakwiseHyva 2.4.0 | We fixed an issue that gave a notice when Searchbanners where activated in the Hyva theme, but there where no banners to show based on Tweakwise API response. This issue is not related to the introduction of the Search in filters feature (although this was introduced in this version).
  • Magento2TweakwiseHyva 2.4.0 | We fixed a bug where the search field template was always active, even when it shouldn't be.


Coding standards (PHPCS and PHPMD rules

We've made improvements to the code to follow coding standards (PHPCS and PHPMD rules) in order to make our code easier to read and maintain. However, this caused some changes that might break things for some modules. If a module has breaking changes, we've updated its major version number. So, if you want to upgrade to the latest version, you'll need to do it explicitly. You won't upgrade to this version by mistake.