Overall | Fixes and improvements (Nov 2024)
3 months ago
- Frontend API | We've added additional info in the response of the Guided Selling endpoints in our Frontend API. This info can be used to customize the UX for specific questions and answers. Specifically for questions
is now available, while we added the actual attribute values for answers. - Backend API | We added
property to 'Get Attributes' and 'Get Attribute' endpoints of our Backend API. Also it's possible to filter out result byDataType
in 'Get Attributes' endpoint. Possible values: text or number. - Demoshop | We fixed a bug that caused no weighted sorting debug information to be shown on pages other than the first page of the Demoshop.
- Tweakwise App | The use of the Full Text Rank in Word Search algorithms has been re-introduced as an optional. setting. Previously, when weighted sorting was enabled, the relevancy score provided by full text search was always used, as if this checkbox was always checked. Now it’s possible to disable this feature again. Once disabled, all products found by the word search algorithm will get a raw score of 1, instead of it being determined by the relevancy score provided by full text search.
- Tweakwise App | The category match Search Algorithm now considers in which language the user is searching. This is applicable when the 'Use conjugations' and 'Use synonyms' feature is turned on. Before, there was a bug in the category match algorithm where the same category could be found multiple times, and therefore wouldn’t be applied. This happened because the category had the same conjugations or synonyms in multiple languages. Now, by filtering on the language for which the conjugations and synonyms were created, we only find a single category.
- Tweakwise App | When weighted sorting is enabled, the 'Use configured Builder, Sorting and Filter settings of the matching category' feature wouldn’t work. When a category was found, those templates did not get applied. From now on, we always apply the templates of the first category match algorithm with a result. That means if you’re using two category match algorithms, for example one before and one after auto correct. We’ll use the templates from the algorithm before auto correct if it has results. If it doesn’t, we’ll use the second category match if that one has results. If both has results, we’ll use the first. And if none have results… well, no templates to apply.
- Tweakwise App | An option to filter on item types in the items module was added. Next to that, we've added a notice when an item is not linked to a category and/or an item doesn't have any attributes.
- Tweakwise App | A bug was fixed in Tweakwise App > Search > Search Algorithms, where category names that contain comma's were not displayed correctly in category match algorithm.
- Tweakwise App | We have enhanced the 'attribute values are too long' warning message and the 'attribute names are too long' error message, which were introduced lately. Each now includes a list of the first 10 violations with details such as the attribute name, attribute value, and item ID. Additionally, a download is available containing a full-text error message file for warnings.
Plugin Studio
- Plugin Studio | Some ease-of-use additions to the editor in Plugin Studio were introduced (in Tweakwise App): elements are now deselected when clicked on empty working areas making the controls more intuitive; if an element has a value assigned you will see that clearly stated in the working area so you have better control over what is included in the tile already; the live preview toggle now has a more prominent location, and; all elements can be duplicated (next to the delete button that also found it's new location at the top of the right panel when an element is selected).
- Plugin Studio | A new element is available to use on your product cards and it will make life a bit easier: an Input-element that controls the quantity of products that will be passed into the
event. The element itself works as an add-on with the add to cart buttons and comes with some basic configuration options, like the option to choose between an input element or select element for example. Basic look and feel options are applicable and in case it isn't, custom CSS can always be applied. This new element is also now supported by all JS packages that can use the created product tiles. - Plugin Studio | In the editor, we have also added a new way to add styling. It is a little bit technical as some CSS knowledge is needed, but there is now a direct CSS-editor where users may add styles not (yet) supported in the UI. You can switch to this via the button on the bottom of the right panel when an element is selected.
JS Implementation
- Search & Merchandising JS | Added prefix/suffix to filter facet values if set in App > Filter template > Facet > Advanced options.
- Search & Merchandising JS | Added an option to disable auto initialization if manual method is preferred.
- Suggestions JS | Added support for manually supplying the profileKey.
- Suggestions JS | Automatically close suggestions overlay after clicking on a suggestion. This is especially helpful for customers who have implemented both the suggestions as search results on the same HTML-page.
- Suggestions JS | We've fixed a problem where Text and Button elements from the Product Tile Editor did not show anymore in the Suggestions JS.
- Recommendations JS | Added support for manually supplying the profileKey, like was done for Suggestions JS.
- Recommendations JS | We made a fix where clicking on the previous and next buttons in the carousel won't cause unwanted side-effects when placing the Recommendations JS in a HTML form.
- Guided Selling JS | Added
event hook for manipulating the look & feel of the questions.