App | Possibility to import/export synonyms

Importing and exporting lists of synonyms has been made publicly available. Within Tweakwise App you can generate a csv-file with a full overview of all your synonyms, giving you the opportunity to expand your phrases in for example Excel (or another tool). Importing will update and insert modified and newly created synonyms. For deletion of synonyms you need to use Tweakwise App, but that also has been made simpler than ever before. With a bulk option, deletion of many synonyms at once is as simple as some quick mouse clicks.

Grouped products in Demoshop

In your Tweakwise Demoshop we've added a new option in the settings/preferences menu to enable grouped products! If enabled, a grouped navigation call will refresh the lister page and potential grouped products will be displayed on the product tile. The shown variants will open a modal onclick with representative data, while clicking on the main product (or first variant) will show the group in total. The screenshot below shows the grouped products highlighted, compared to the default way of showing products in the greyed out part.

Other improvements

  • Frontend API | In Tweakwise App a merchandising rule can be configured to be sorted in either ascending or descending order and as we already respected this setting in terms of order in the response, we now also do passthrough this setting via the order-field in the corresponding API-endpoints.
  • Frontend API | As part of a larger feature that will make it possible to configure items to have a different width/height using the builder, we've added colspan and rowspan information to all endpoints to which the builder can be applied.
  • Backend API | Added validation in Backend API for detecting duplicate synonym terms with 'superscript characters' example: mm² and mm2 are now seen as duplicate and will return a validation error.
  • Backend API | Created a new endpoint in the Backend API for category lookups.
  • Backend API | Categories now can be provided with an url-attribute, both via the XML-feed as via our Backend API endpoints. Implementations could choose to use these category URL's to link to pages on an easy way, instead of translating the category ID's to an URL on the application side.
  • Frontend API | Related to the new url-attributes, we've expanded some endpoints in the Frontend API with a new property called link. This will contain the category-url information as provided as on the import side and can be used to optimize your SEO. This information is added to the following endpoints: navigation, navigation-search, suggestions, facets, facets/[urlkey]/attributes.
  • Tweakwise App | Fixed a bug in the App where the AI generated tag of a synonym would disappear upon changing the approved/rejected state. Now the AI generated tag remains no matter what.
  • Tweakwise App | As it sometimes becomes a bit hard to configure a Google Analytics 4 report within Tweakwise, we've now made it possible to preview your report while editing.
  • Tweakwise App | We've updated some of our list overviews throughout the App. At least the Insights, Attributes, Items, the new Builder (coming soon) and Google Analytics 4 modules now have a fresh and consistent look. Part of it is the possibility to bulk delete records in all of these modules; making your life much easier than before.
  • Tweakwise App | When switching between different instances in Tweakwise App, the selected language is now retained and no longer resets to English as default.