SKU based recommendations

In Tweakwise it is possible to set up recommendations based on rules. However in some cases recommendations need to be set up SKU based.

Configuring the feed

We recommend using an attribute for each product that shows the related SKU’s. This can be done via an external property or it can be added to your regular feed. In the example down below we have added an attribute called Related SKU, the values should be the SKU’s you want to see as a recommendation.

  <name>My Product with KU based recommendations</name>
      <name>Related SKU</name>
      <name>Related SKU</name>


Multiple values

As visible in our example you can add multiple values for a single attribute by adding the attribute multiple times with a different value.

Configuring your recommendation

Using the feed based on the example above you can configure your SKU based recommendation to match the SKU property of the related products with the Related SKU property of the source product:

Configuring your SKU based recommendation.

Configuring your SKU based cross sell recommendation.