Event Tag

To analyze the performance of your configuration, power our insights reports and support personalization, we capture key e-commerce events on your platform. These are events such as product views, item clicks, add-to-carts, and purchases.


The Insights Tag is a lightweight javascript SDK to capture key e-commerce events on your platform. To make use of essentials or personalization, implement the following snippet on the frontend of your platform:

    (function(w, d, l, i, p, u) {
      w['_twa'] = l;
      w[l] = w[l] || [];
      w[l].push({ 'twa.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'twa.js' });
      w[l].push({ 'twa.instance': i, event: 'twa.init' });
      var f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
          j = d.createElement('script');
      j.async = true;
      j.src = u;
      f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
    })(window, document, 'tweakwiseLayer', '{instancekey}', profileKey, "//navigator-analytics.tweakwise.com/bundles/scout.js");


  • Replace {instancekey} with your instance key. You can find the key on your app dashboard.
  • Implement the required Essentials and desired Personal Events.

Custom profilekey

In some cases, you might want to determine the profile key yourself. For example if you want to support cross-device personalization. In these cases is is recommended to use the currently authenticated user.

Replace the default snippet with:

    var profileKey = '{profilekey}';

    (function(w, d, l, i, p, u) {

      w['_twa'] = l;
      w[l] = w[l] || [];
      w[l].push({ 'twa.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'twa.js' });
      w[l].push({ 'twa.instance': i, event: 'twa.init' });
      p && w[l].push({ 'twa.profile': p, event: 'twa.profile' });
  		if(p){ w[l].getProfileKey = function(){ return p; } }

      var f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
          j = d.createElement('script');
      j.async = true;
      j.src = u;
      f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);

    })(window, document, 'tweakwiseLayer', '{instancekey}', profileKey, "//navigator-analytics.tweakwise.com/bundles/scout.js");

  • Replace {instancekey} with your instance key. You can find the key on your app dashboard.
  • Replace {profilekey} with a reference to the current customer/visitor.
  • Implement the required Essentials and desired Personal Events.


To analyze the performance of your configuration and power some of our insights reports, we gather information from key requests.

Click product

To measure how many times an item is clicked, send a itemClick event whenever a user clicks/taps an item. It is crucial for analyzing the performance of builder components.

PropertyRequiredValue / description
itemIdyesThe unique id of the item
requestIdyesThe id of the linked navigation request. See Identification by request.
	event: 'itemClick',
	data: {
		itemId: 'item-id-123',
		requestId: '45fdf-a5401-845d5-596b7-99226-14a43-5bcf'
  <div v-for="product in navigation.items" class="group" @click="onProductClick">
    <a :href="product.href" class="aspect-square w-full bg-gray-100">
      <img :src="product.image" class="aspect-square object-cover" />
    <h3 class="mt-4 font-bold"><a :href="product.href">{{ product.title }}</a></h3>
    <p>{{ $n(product.price, 'currency') }}</p>

<script lang="ts" setup>
let url = `https://gateway.tweakwisenavigator.com/navigation/${instanceKey}/?tn_cid=${cid}&format=json`;

const { data, error } = await useAsyncData('category:' + cid, async () => {  
  const response = await $fetch.raw(url, { responseType: 'json' });  
  // save requestid to pass on to client
  const requestId = response.headers.get('twn-request-id');
  return { navigation: response._data, requestId };

function onProductClick() {
        event: 'itemClick',
        data: {
            itemId: product.itemno,
            requestId: requestId


  • Using Tweakwise JS? This will work out of the box!
  • This is only available if a response contains a requestId. To learn more, go to Identification by request.
  • When implementing the Tweakwise event tag in Google Tag Manager (GTM), you need to store the requestId from the Tweakwise navigation-search response and pass it to the dataLayer. This allows you to use the requestId in your GTM tags and triggers.

Personal Events


The purchase event tracks the transaction of your customers. It is crucial for analyzing the overall performance of algorithm usage, builder, filter templates and more.

PropertyValue / description
profileKeyThe profile key identifying the visitor. Accepted characters: A-Z a-z 0-9
productKeysArray of unique id's of the items in the transaction
	event: 'purchase',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,

View product

To measure how many times item details are viewed, send a productView event whenever a user views an item’s details screen.

PropertyValue / description
profileKeyThe profile key identifying the visitor. Accepted characters: A-Z a-z 0-9
productKeyThe unique id of the item
	event: 'productView',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,
		productKey: 'ARTICLENUMBER1'


To measure the amount of search queries, send a search event when a user enters a search term, including the term the user has entered.

PropertyValue / description
profileKeyThe profile key identifying the visitor. Accepted characters: A-Z a-z 0-9
searchTermThe search term the visitor used to search for products.
  event: 'search',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,
		searchTerm: 'Jeans'


By request

Every API request returns a unique request identifier that can be passed to these e-commerce events. In the background, we store the event information and request relation. This enables us to analyze the configuration of builder, filter templates, algorithms and give Actionable Insights.

The request identifier is sent in the response headers:

curl --request GET \
     --url https://gateway.tweakwisenavigator.com/navigation/{instancekey} \
     --header 'accept: text/xml'
Twn-Request-Id: cae158c4107789408a7ac8f0eedc57a3

You can use this requestId to send with all the events that require the requestId.

By profile

Customer profiles are built by associating a request or customer with various events. The information gathered from these events is used to create a profile for each customer, enabling us to display personalized product recommendations.

Go to the following topics to learn more about personalization details:

  • If you want more information about identifying a customer, go to Identification.
  • In case you want to know more about calucations and retention, go to Profiles.

Implementation by platform

Because there are so many ways to use Tweakwise, implementing the Event Tag can be challenging. Check the table for your platform you use to determine the necessary implementation steps.

API / Bespoke platform

If you're using a custom platform that interacts directly with our API without any of our plugins.

Click ProductManual
View ProductManual
Add to cartManual (coming soon)

Tweakwise JS

For vanilla Tweakwise JS implementations (not Magento extension or Shopware plugin).

Click ProductAutomatically
View ProductManual
Add to cartAutomatically (coming soon)

Magento extension

If you are using Magento2TweakwiseHyva or Magento2Tweakwise extension.

PartImplementationComing soon
Snippet *ManualAutomatically
Click ProductManualAutomatically
View Product *Automatically, see Magento PersonalizationAutomatically
Search *Automatically, see Magento PersonalizationAutomatically
Purchase *Automatically, see Magento PersonalizationAutomatically
Add to cartManual (coming soon)Automatically

* The Magento extension uses server-to-server communication for View Product, Search & Purchase events. The

Magento JS extension

If you are using Magento2TweakwiseJs extension.

Click ProductAutomatically, if snippet implemented
View ProductManual
Add to cartAutomatically (coming soon)

Shopware plugin

If you are using the shopware plugin, otherwise check API or Tweakwise JS implementation.

Click ProductAutomatically, if snippet implemented
View ProductManual
Add to cartAutomatically (coming soon)