Tweakwise JS + Plugin Studio

One of the ways you can integrate Tweakwise into your platform is by using Tweakwise JS. Tweakwise JS is a collection of modular and configurable plugins that offer all kinds of Tweakwise features in combination with our pre-built UI. With this pre-built UI you can quickly add standardized versions of site-search, -navigation and more to your platform.


We recommend using Tweakwise JS to get started easily, before moving over to an API integration. Not using Plugin Studio? Go to the Tweakwise JS section.

Tweakwise JS has four different plugins that allows you to implement our API's using a pre-built UI:

  • Search & Merchandising
  • Suggestions
  • Recommendations
  • Guided Selling


Follow the Getting started guide to start implementing!

Good to know

  • Tweakwise JS offers a set of standardized implementations of features Tweakwise has to offer. Because of this standardization, customization options are limited. A lot can be achieved with custom CSS and JavaScript. But if a fully custom implementation with complex logic is desired, consider implementing Tweakwise using our API.
  • Not using Plugin Studio? Go to the Tweakwise JS section.
  • Tweakwise JS is a JavaScript plugin that is fully executed on the client-side of your platform. All you need to do is add a JavaScript snippet in the HTML of your platform and you're ready to go! No server-side changes needed.