
Tweakwise Magento extensions support personalization. This allows you to build a profile of your visitors to display tailor-made recommendations on every visit to your platform.


Read our product guide on how personal components work in detail.


A typical e-commerce implementation measures the following actions:

  • Search
  • View item details
  • Make purchases

In order to register tracking actions for searching, viewing products or buying products, the following JavaScript must be implemented on the frontend of your website.

On every page:

var instanceKey = 'YOUR-INSTANCE-KEY';
var profileKey = 'PROFILEKEY';

(function(w, d, l, i, p, u) {
  w['_twa'] = l;
  w[l] = w[l] || [];
  w[l].push({ 'twa.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'twa.js' });
  w[l].push({ 'twa.instance': i, event: 'twa.init' });
  if (p) w[l].push({ 'twa.profile': p, event: 'twa.profile' });
  if (p) w[l].getProfileKey = function(){ return p; };
  var f = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
      j = d.createElement('script');
  j.async = true;
  j.src = u;
  f.parentNode.insertBefore(j, f);
})(window, document, 'tweakwiseLayer', instanceKey, profileKey, "//")


To measure how many times a user has searched, send a search event whenever a user enters a search term, including the query the user has entered.

  event: 'search',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,
		searchTerm: 'Jeans'

View item details

To measure how many times item details are viewed, send a productView event whenever a user views an item’s details screen. For details on the parameters to send, see the reference section.

	event: 'productView',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,
		productKey: '1234'

Make purchases

	event: 'purchase',
	data: {
		profileKey: profileKey,


Profile key

Customer identification is done through the profile key. You need to identify your customers using a unique identifier. You can determine the profile key yourself; think of options such as customer id, visitor id, IP hash, etc.. Without identification, events are added to anonymous customers.

While non-authenticated users are typically tracked using a storage-based ID, once a user logs in, switching to an account-specific ID is recommended to make sure cross-device tracking works correctly.

If no profile key is supplied, our Tweakwise Analytics JS will generate a unique identifier for the current user.


Be careful

The use of personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, or other personal information as profile keys is not permitted in order to comply with GDPR guidelines. Therefore, only use anonymized data such as ID numbers or hashed values. By following the GDPR guidelines, you meet the requirements for the protection of users and data.

Product key

The 'product key' should correspond to item id that is known in the Tweakwise items module:

Good to know

  • Out of the box, Magento does a lot of caching for pages and elements. To make sure personalization works together with our extensions and your platform you’ll need to use a caching proxy; for example Varnish Cache. This way, products will show up in the right places.
  • The examples use a literal PROFILEKEY. Make sure this is not a fixed value: this should be a unique identifier for every visitor. Read more.
  • The profile key has a maximum length of 128 characters.
  • Looking for a server-side implementation? See Analytics API.