Pass data to External Data provider

Some external data providers require information that's not available in the External Data Context.

To pass additional data to the External Data Component configuration, add the key-value pairs URL-encoded to the tn_edc_parameters.


Consider an integration where fictional session & customer id's need to be passed to the external data provider:

  • sessionId: 1Aed12fdef
  • customerId: 12344:

These values should be formatted like normal URL parameters:


The compound value should then be URL encoded and passed to the tn_edc_parameters:


Which results in the full example:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'TWN-Source: Tweakwise API docs' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

The individual parameters can then be used in the Builder Configuration mapping step, using $.extraParameters: