There are three locations to configure Tweakwise recommendations in your Shopware website.
You can read more about configuring recommendations for your checkout here.
In Shopware you have the possibility to create layouts for specific page types:
- Go to Content => Shopping experiences
- Select the layout you want to add the recommendation to.
- Add a block using the plus-sign
- Under 'Block Category', select 'Tweakwise'
- Drag the Featured recommendation block to your grid.
- Click the clog icon to configure the settings.
- Enter the featured recommendation ID from Tweakwise.
- Save the layout
Shopware allows you to configure cross-sell recommendations on product level.
- Open a product by clicking on a product after navigating to Catalogues => products.
- Click on tab 'Cross Selling'
- Click the button 'Add new Cross Selling'
- Configure name, position and avtive
- Select type: 'Tweakwise recommendations'
- Provide a 'Group key'. You can configure group keys in the Tweakwise app.