Realtime pricing

In case you want to display realtime pricing or customer specific pricing, you can make that happen using the twn.request.success hook.

Before you start:

  • Make sure you have an API or endpoint where the prices can be retrieved.
  • Make sure you marked an element in your product tile for the price to show.

In this example:

  • there is a API POST method available that expects a list of product ids.
  • the price is already on the tile, but can be overwritten
interface RequestSuccessEvent {
  // see for full object typings
  data: IApiNavigation;

const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("nl-NL", {
  style: "currency",
  currency: "EUR"

window["twn-starter-config"].on = {
  // ...
  'twn.request.success': function (event: RequestSuccessEvent) {
    // gather all product ids, note: these are id's known in tweakwise
    const productids = => o.itemno);
    // fetch the pricing, batched
    fetch('', {
      method: 'POST', 
      body: JSON.stringify(productids) 
    }).then(function(result: { itemno: string; price: number; }[]){
      // for every result, find the correct tile and overwrite the price
        // the price is formatted using build-in 
        var element = document.querySelector('[data-item-id="#twn-' + itemno + '"] [data-property="price"]');
        	element.innerHTML = formatter.format(price);

Good to know

  • It is recommended to batch pricing calls for performance reasons.