
Guided Selling JS supports a couple of events to hook into the specific moments in the funnel.

Lifecycle events


Request to fetch Guided Selling started.

  // ...
  on: {
    // ...
    'twn.request.started': function (event) {
    	// handle event


Request to fetch guided selling succeeded.


Request to fetch guided selling failed.


Request to fetch guided selling completed. This executes for both success and failed requests.

Functional events

Fired when a question is displayed.

 // see types tab
interface QuestionOpenEvent { 
  question: IApiFilterwizardQuestion;
  data: IApiFilterwizard;

  // ...
  on: {
    // ...
    '': function (event: QuestionOpenEvent) {
    	// handle event
interface IApiFilterwizard {
    code?: string;
    name?: string;
    count?: number;
    navigationurl?: string;
    filtertemplateid?: number;
    questions?: IApiFilterwizardQuestion[];
    items?: IApiProduct[];

interface IApiFilterwizardQuestion {
    questionid?: number;
    question?: string;
    explanation?: string;
    ismultiselect?: boolean;
    imageurl?: string;
    current?: boolean;
    skippable?: boolean;
    skiplabel?: string;
    answers?: IApiFilterwizardAnswer[];

interface IApiFilterwizardAnswer {
    answerid?: number;
    answer?: string;
    caption?: string;
    summary?: string;
    imageurl?: string;
    count?: number;
    isselected?: boolean;
    nextquestionid?: number;

Fired when the funnel is considered complete. Can be used to hook into the display of results.
The first event parameter is the data that is returned from the api.

  // ...
  on: {
    // ...
    '': function (event) {
    	// handle event

For detailed examples how to use this, See Customize results.

Product specific events

After default results are displayed, these regular product events can be used.

Event NameDescription
twn.add-to-cartAdd to cart button was clicked
twn.add-to-favoritesAdd to favorites button was clicked
twn.product.visibleProduct tile is visible on a screen
twn.product.clickA link on a product tile has been clicked

For detailed examples, see Product specific events on Search & Merchandising.