
How it works

To generate a product lister page, execute a Navigation request and follow these steps:


If you're using group codes, use the Navigation (grouped) endpoint and learn more about Grouped Items.


After successfully executing the search request, the reponse XML or JSON response will contain everything you need to generate a search results page. The XML response will have this structure:

<navigation xmlns:i="">
      <!-- omitted for brevity -->
      <!-- omitted for brevity -->
      <!-- omitted for brevity -->


To implement facets, read our guide on Facets.


To implement items, go to Items.


  • nrofitems, pagesize, nrofpages and currentpage: see Paging.
  • selectedcategory: the currently selected category. This is the value of the tn_cid parameter. In case of a category path it's the last one in the list (e.g. for tn_cid=100022-100021968 the value is 100021968 ).
  • isrootcategory: indicates if the current category is the root category.
  • pageurl: current request url without paging properties.
  • reseturl: a predefined request url to easily reset all selected facets, sorting and paging.


To support different ways of sorting (or ordering) of items, go to Sorting, ordering and paging.


To implement paging, dive into Sorting, ordering and paging.


To specify what language should be used, go to Language Support.


Need even more control?

In general, the response times of our endpoints are so fast we can provide both facets and products in a single response. This makes a traditional implementation of search and/or merchandising easy.

If you want even more control or want to squeeze the last piece of performance, take a look at the Facets and Products endpoints.