Tweakwise JS

One of the ways you can integrate Tweakwise into your platform is via our JavaScript plugins. Use our pre-built UI for site navigation and search to quickly render standardized components anywhere on your website. Our JavasScript features the following components: search and navigation, autocomplete, guided selling, recommendations.

We recommend using our JavaScript to get started easily, before you move over to an API integration.

How it works

From an implementation perspective, a JavaScript integration contains:

  • Server-side: nothing!
  • Client-side: drop a snippet

If you need to handle additional use cases, you need to implement additional events and client-side configuration.

Before you begin

Before you begin to integrate, make sure you have followed the Technical overview to:

  • Get an overview of the steps needed to successfully integrate
  • Create your test account

After you have created your account:

  • Get your instance key

Integrating Tweakwise JS

Search & Merchandising JS

The Search & Merchandising JS implementation can be used to quickly implement a standardized version of Tweakwise search and category pages in your platform.

🔗 See demo of JS Implementation on →

📖 Get started with the JS Implementation →

Recommendations JS

The Recommendations JS can be used to quickly implement a standardized version of the Tweakwise recommendations in your platform. It supports both featured and up- and cross sell recommendations.

🔗 See demo of Recommendations JS on →

📖 Get started with the Recommendations JS →

Guided Selling JS

The Guided Selling JS can be used to quickly implement a standardized version of the Tweakwise guided selling in your platform.

🔗 See demo of Guided Selling JS on →

📖 Get started with the Guided Selling JS →

Suggestions JS

The Suggestions JS can be used to quickly implement a standardized version of the Tweakwise suggestions in your platform.

🔗 See demo of Suggestions JS on →

📖 Get started with the Suggestions JS →